We are a amazing natural creations and should know /realize that in the first place we were perfectly created!
Our powerful immune system and our self healing system can
(when enabled/unblocked ) eleminate and reverse any form of Ailment!
The # 1 natural Wappen agaist diseases are Parasite cleanser and fungus cleanser !
Have a closer look at the word AIL MENT!!!!
I know you have ben foulled over decates now...!
Our real problem are simply the little alien invasions...
Viruses , Bacteria , Funguses and parasites /worms !!
Yes my dear reader... this is it!The answer to find optimal health and wellbeing!
is :
parasite /fungus cleansing on a regular base and you will be never sick again!
Here part 1)of natural solutions to clean up and get you and your family back in perfect shape !

have fun learning about "Mother Natures Healing Treasures" .....care and share!
Sinusitis is s fungus problem!Herpes is a parasite and can be vanished out of blood!
Eczema & most skin diseases are fungus/parasites hosting your body!
100% natural solution are available
learn all about Fungus in humans and how it realated to Cancer
How does Colloidal Silver Works?
Colloidal Silver acts as a back–up immune system: "Taking sufficient daily Colloidal Silver is like having a second immune system. It acts parallel to and independent of the body's own first line of defense." .
Colloidal Silver isn't a new discovery. In the early part of this century it was used extensively by the medical profession in the United States for bacterial infections. It was reported to be expensive to produce and difficult to store, so when antibiotics were developed in the late 1930's they quickly replaced colloidal silver. Medical Uses of Silver: Since 1884, a dilute silver nitrate solution has been placed in the eyes of newborn infants virtually eliminating a disease that caused blindness in newborns. In 1884, Dr. F. Crede, a German obstetrician was the first to try this solution. In 1968, silver was combined with sulfadiazine to produce a drug that is 50 times more powerful than sulfadiazine on its own. It has become the most widely used drug for treating burn wounds. Research shows silver promotes the production of new cells so increases the rate of healing in both wounds and bone. Regeneration of whole areas of skin has been accomplished with silver treatments.
The Importance of "Colloidal"
The body's most important fluids, the blood and lymph, are colloidal in nature. Therefore, it's easier for the body to use and assimilate a colloidal substance. Colloidal simply means a suspension of ultra–fine particles of one substance, suspended by an electric charge in another substance. With colloidal silver, ultra–fine particles of silver are suspended in distilled water.
Not only good for Humans ! Here's a favorite story from page 38 of the booklet: "Jill forgot to provide for her goldfish while on vacation. Upon her return she found them floating belly–up in some very stinky water. She changed the water and put the limp fish in the fresh water, instead of the toilet, to give them one last chance. They didn't improve. She thought of Colloidal Silver, and added a few drops to the fish tank. Very soon, the fish were swimming merrily, and have been ever since." Exelent for your pet's we add it daily in their drinking water ...( Heart worm protection)and a rescue for Parvo virus !
Recommended dosage Adult:
1-3 tables spoon daily 6 weeks twice a year for a proper parasite cleansing!
In cases of acute infections it should be taken 3 times a day 100ml
Use common sense and drink when needed.
You can use it externally by using a dropper to put it on infections.
I also very useful for insect bite’s, skin irritations, bums eczema , sunburns just pour/ spray a little Colloidal silver over the red skin and let it dry.
More information please email us to :
US phone contact: 786 463-5189
or Jamaica: (876)796-5080
Detailed Information about fungus symthomes(many pictures) you can find @